What would your life be like if you had someone in your corner helping you prioritize your health, happiness, and well-being?

Your health, happiness, and well-being impact every area of your life — your relationships, your motherhood, your self-worth, and your sense of fulfillment.

In The No Longer Last Journey™, my trauma-informed self-care program, I teach you how to prioritize yourself without guilt or shame because you deserve to experience the positive ripple effects that flow from fulfilling your needs and honoring your desires!

Ready to go on your No Longer Last Journey?

For women, and especially for mothers, we spend most of our time and energy helping take care of other people, but who’s taking care of you?

Who’s making sure you’re getting rest?

Who’s checking on your mental health?

Who’s encouraging you to set boundaries?

Who’s supporting you in ditching the way things have always been so you can live life on your own terms?

Someone’s gotta be helping take care of you too because your health, happiness, and well-being matter.


Hi, I’m Mia Hemstad!

I’m a wife, mom of two, and an abuse survivor. I also live with diagnosed PTSD and depression.

I know what it’s like to feel deeply unworthy of love and care, and to be so burned out, exhausted, and forgotten that you don’t want to live anymore.

I think it’s an injustice that women, and especially mothers, are expected to completely neglect ourselves as a requirement of being a “good woman” and a “good mom.”

Living by the “good girl” rulebook almost killed me. I was taking care of everyone else while I was suffering from chronic, debilitating migraines, extreme fatigue, depression, and anxiety, and after years of struggle, I was ready to leave this world.

Things came to a head when I almost passed out in a Trader Joe’s grocery store when I was with my kids.

I decided I had enough and needed to change things and stop being a martyr mom if I wanted to get better.

That began my journey of learning how to stop being last all the time and actually make my health, happiness, and well-being a priority.

Now, for 3 years, I’ve been teaching other women all I’ve learned about healing from trauma, practicing authentic & nourishing self-care, and empowering them to set boundaries that help them reclaim their time, energy, and happiness.

You don’t have to be last to be loving.

You deserve to be a priority in your own life.

You deserve to choose you and not feel an ounce of guilt about it.

When you take care of yourself first, it creates a positive ripple effect that benefits every area of your life!


If you desire to learn how to prioritize your health, happiness, and well-being, so that you can fully live your life, I invite you to join my program, The No Longer Last Journey.

You’re invited to join

The No Longer Last Journey

A 12-month trauma-informed program with classes, coaching, community, and compassionate accountability designed to help you prioritize your health, happiness, and well-being!

Take a look at what you get!



Get lifetime access to 12 classes in podcast and video format that build on each other to support you in learning at your own pace.

Scroll down to check them out!

In months 1-5, you’ll practice the inner work needed to help you release guilt and shame, become a boundary-setting queen, and learn how to break unhelpful patterns and build new ones.

♡ client love

I’m really on the road to mental wellness and that all really started when I joined The No Longer Last Journey. It wasn’t an over night change (nothing ever is) but my road to wellness really started with your program. So thank you!!!

— Trish R.

In months 6-10, you will learn how to fulfill your needs and make them non-negotiable rituals in your life.

♡ client love

The No Longer Last Journey program has been so transformative for me. Instead of focusing on just the why or the how of self-care, Mia also helps us to uncover the emotional reasons for putting ourselves last (such as feeling guilty about spending time or money on ourselves) and to challenge the belief that we are not worthy or deserving of self-compassion.

This self-awareness, along with the support and encouragement of Mia and the other women in the community, has empowered me to make small changes to my weekly routine that have had a huge impact on my mental health and emotional well-being. Thank you, Mia!

— Kate D.G.

In months 11 and 12, you will practice self-discovery and learn how to honor your desires without guilt or shame.

♡ client love

Thank you Mia for changing my self-talk and self-care for the better! I came looking for a little nudge to take good care of myself and take better care of my place, and I found support and a caring community. Now I carry with me invaluable strategies that are already yielding insights and growth.

— Karla M.

With each class you’ll also get 12 beautiful reflection guides that will help you…

  • 📝 Apply What You Learn

    When we take the time to write things down, we’re much more likely to stick with our plans and intentions and to remember what we learn. The reflection guides are short, and the writing prompts are thoughtful and impactful.

  • 🌱 Cultivate Self-Awareness

    Self-awareness is the first step to changing anything in our lives. By taking 15-30 minutes to reflect with the guides that come with each class, you will get to know yourself better — what you need, what your obstacles are, and what happened to you that makes it so hard for you to take care of yourself.

  • 🤔 Question the Stories You Tell Yourself

    As humans, we create meaning and we also inherit it from school, religion, society, family, friends, and trauma. This is how we inherited the negative story that a good woman should put herself last. In the reflection guides, I prompt you to question all of these stories you have inside your mind that are influencing all of your choices. Once you become aware, you get to decide to create new stories that help you instead of oppress you.


Get access to 12 live Coaching & Community calls. Can’t come live? Connect with community members and get coaching in the private online community.

Scroll down to learn more!

Experience the benefits of healing in a community with a coach who gets you.

  • ✨ Approachable Coaching

    Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and burdened sucks, and it keeps you from taking care of yourself. Having a coach to talk to on a regular basis helps you be able to work through obstacles more quickly and keeps you from feeling alone in your struggles.

  • 🥰 Authentic Connection

    Dr. Brené Brown says, “Shame dies when we can speak our truth in safe spaces.” I have witnessed this again and again in our live Coaching & Community Calls. Whether members are realizing that they’re not alone in their struggles or sharing kindness and solidarity, the healing that can come from a safe space to share your true self is invaluable.

  • 😌 Sacred Pause

    All of us can relate to the experience of wondering how time is moving so fast. The constant hustle of life keeps us from being able to check in with ourselves, rest, and know if we would like to make changes in our lives. Having a pause built into your life once a month to breathe, journal, and share is a practice that can help you approach your life with more intention.

♡ client love

I love how Mia makes each one of us feel seen. She’s like our very own empathetic cheerleader who also does the hard stuff and SHOWS you how it’s possible. No Longer Last has helped me feel less alone, and less crazy as a mom. Having our support meetings had helped me see others’ struggles, and how it all goes back to self-care and self-compassion.

— Lizzie F.


How do the Coaching & Community Calls run?

  • When: 2nd Sunday of the month at 11am PST / 2pm EST

  • Where: The calls take place on Zoom.

  • How Long: The calls are 2 hours long, with a 10-minute break in between the first and second hours.

  • Live Connection: People are on live and can speak, see each other, and connect. We really get to know each other on these calls and build friendships.

  • NOT Recorded: Calls are NOT recorded to protect the privacy of members and to keep the calls a safe space.


What’s a Coaching & Community Call like?

Here’s a brief overview of the structure of the calls:

  • Calming: I start the call with a guided meditation and breathing exercise.

  • Sharing: We do a mental health check-in where everyone shares how they’re doing in two words (or more). This is where people share their progress and challenges and receive validation, support, and coaching from me.

  • Reflecting: We journal together with prompts I’ve prepared to help you write your self-care and boundary-setting intentions for the month. Relaxing music is played in the background to set a calming mood.

  • Preparing: This is when people typically share something that came up for them during their journaling session and ask for coaching / advice for challenging situations their facing to prepare for the month ahead.

♡ client love

I can honestly say that I am a healthier person for having access to positive reinforcement and just plain-old good listeners in this community.

I wasn’t sure at first if I should spend the money to join the group because I felt guilty spending money on myself. It turns out that I really needed to take that step! I’ve been able to shift my mindset about taking care of myself: it’s necessary to do in order to function and in order to maintain my health. Thank you, NLL!

— Emma Rose P.


What about the private online community?

Not everyone can make the live calls, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still receive the benefits of coaching and community!

The private online community is hosted on a platform that’s NOT on social media so that you have a distraction-free, dedicated space to connect with other No Longer Last Journey community members and share the highs and lows of your journey.

This private space is also where you can tune into the monthly live videos at whatever time is convenient for you. In these videos, I answer your questions and provide coaching on the 2nd Thursday of every month!



Get messages from me twice a week gently reminding you to honor your monthly intentions and help you keep self-care top-of-mind.

Scroll down to learn more!

The benefits of having a dedicated coach in your corner connecting with you weekly.

  • 🪴 Being Reminded of Your Intentions

    Even after you start a new program and set new intentions for yourself, you’re human and you have habits and patterns that are deeply ingrained in you. Having an accountability coach (that’s me!) messaging you regularly to help you reconnect with the intentions you set for yourself can be the difference between you forgetting about them and you keeping your promises to yourself.

  • 💕 Someone to Check on YOU

    You’ve got a lot on your plate. You deserve to have someone checking in on you on a regular basis so that you don’t find yourself burned out and wondering how you got there. When someone is checking in, you’re able to pause and ask yourself how you’re doing and what you need. Then you can plan accordingly. How powerful is that?!

  • 😊 Weekly Encouragement

    As you go through this journey, guilt and shame around self-care, along with other obstacles, are going to come up and make it hard for you to take care of yourself. Receiving weekly encouragement through tips and mindset shifts from me will help you overcome those obstacles and will motivate you to keep taking action and healing on your journey.

♡ client love

Because of The No Longer Last Journey, I’ve been able to start training myself to believe that I am worth taking care of. What it has taken is deep inner work that has been largely facilitated by Mia’s experienced guidance and other women who are doing the hard work of healing themselves. I’ll always be thankful to Mia and her program. She is truly a pioneer in the mental health advocacy movement. She has shared very openly about her struggles online before it was more popular.

— Stephanie M.


Putting yourself last ends here.

Begin your No Longer Last Journey and discover the positive ripple effect this journey can have on every area of your life!

In this program you will:

  • Reconnect with who you are and know what you want & need to feel like yourself again.

  • Take care of yourself holistically by using my 4B Self-Care Framework©, which covers the 4 types of self-care: Basic, Boring, Brilliant, and Bougie.

  • Understand the difference between sustainable self-care and social media self-care. Hint: one helps you feel nourished and the other just makes you feel more depleted.

  • Strengthen your intention to heal by understanding that self-care is an integral part of the healing journey not just another random task on your to-do list.

  • Release misplaced guilt and shame that is programmed into us by generational trauma, patriarchy, misogyny, and racism.

  • Understand the connection between past trauma and your current beliefs and choices.

  • Break unhelpful patterns and behaviors that no longer serve you.

  • Free up time, energy, and money by learning how to set boundaries and ask for help.

  • Approach self-care the No Longer Last way, which is all about doing the best you can with the time, energy, and resources you have.

  • Nourish yourself through your struggles so you handle life’s challenges from a place of strength rather than depletion.

♡ client love

Working with Mia has been an absolute joy, source of support, and a component of my healing process that I didn't know I needed.

As someone who lives with mental illness and has a lot of family with untreated mental illness, Mia has been a great model for me — seeing and hearing the way she speaks to and about herself and her journey, and the tools and coping skills she's developed helps me feel less alone, and allows me to see the behaviors of someone who's dealing with similar situations and is a bit further in their healing journey.

— Jayde B.

Join The No Longer Last Journey!

  • 30-day money back guarantee

  • Get lifetime access to all classes and reflection guides

  • Save $150 when you pay in full

Choose your payment plan, make an account, and join!

One time
For 12 months

You deserve a life where your health, happiness, and well-being are a priority, not an afterthought.

If you’re tired of feeling burned out, neglected, and unworthy, you’re not alone. As a woman, and especially as a mother, being last is not uncommon, and it’s not your fault.

Women are historically and systemically undervalued, underpaid, and overworked (hello, patriarchy and misogyny). The stats are even worse for BIPOC women (hello, racism). Since birth, we were handed the guidebook for how to be a “good girl,” and the rules are exhausting us.

In The No Longer Last Journey, I teach you how to opt-out of these toxic rules and expectations, I help you overcome obstacles to authentic self-care, and I show you how to honor your wants and needs so that you can live a life where your health, happiness, and well-being are finally a priority instead of an afterthought.

I can tell you from my personal experience and from my clients’ testimonials that going on this journey will have a positive ripple effect on every area of your life.

Let’s get started!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Contact Mia here.

  • You’re in luck because I (Mia) am a busy working mom of two small kids. I understand that many of us are busy and living with low energy/capacity. This program is designed with real life in mind. That’s why the content is spread out over 12 months, and if you don’t finish all the content within that time frame (because life happens), you will have LIFETIME access to the program’s classes and reflection guides.

  • Yes, this program would still be a great fit for you! About half the members in the program are not moms. The testimonials you can read on this page are from happy clients — both moms and women without children. The work of learning to love and care for ourselves without guilt or shame is what I teach here. If that’s something you need, then The No Longer Last Journey can help you.

  • The time commitment is about 2-4 hours per month of classes and reflection work, and 2 hours of the live Coaching & Community Call each month.

    It might seem like a lot at first, especially if you’re not used to taking time for yourself, but it will get easier over time, and it’s part of the journey of learning how to make space for YOU!

    You can also listen to your classes with the private podcast you’ll have access to!

    If you don’t want to attend the live calls that’s no problem! They are mostly for community and coaching, which you can still get in our private online community.

    If you miss the live call but still want coaching, I send out reflection prompts on the second Sunday of each month asking you specific questions to help you be more self-aware and to give you the opportunity to ask me questions, which I respond to each month via a live video that I host in the community on the second Thursday of each month.

    The online community is meant for connection between members, so if you want to make friends with the other members, you can!

    There are people who don’t attend the live calls and still say they get a lot out of the program, and there are people who attend the live calls but don’t watch the classes, and they say they get a lot out of the program too. :)

    You don’t need to do everything to have a life-changing experience from this program.

  • That’s okay! About half of the members don’t make all the live calls, but they still say they get a lot out of the program.

    There’s also a private online community (not on Facebook) where you can share how things are going for you, ask questions, and make friends with other members.

    I do NOT record the live calls because oftentimes people share their trauma or really difficult things they’re going through, and I want to be respectful of that and make The No Longer Last Journey a really safe space.

    I also think that more content can just be more overwhelming.

    You’re going to get more out of the program by watching the classes, doing the reflection guide, practicing what you learn, and asking questions in the group, which I answer in a live video once a month for those who submit questions.

  • Yes! Members have access to a private podcast channel where all the classes are available in audio format that you can listen to via your favorite podcast app.

  • You’re in luck! The private online community is not on Facebook. It’s on a platform called Mighty Network, which is available via mobile app and desktop. Many of the members requested this to spend less time on social media, and we’re all loving it!

  • Yes! You can introduce yourself and connect with other members through our private online community, which is hosted on Mighty Network available via mobile app and desktop.

  • 12 Classes and Reflection Guides

    The program is spread out over 12 months. Each month has a specific class recommended for you to watch or listen to, and a companion reflection guide to help you go deeper.

    You do not need to go through all the content in 12 months. You will get LIFETIME access to the classes and reflection guides (yay for no pressure personal growth!).

    12 Coaching & Community Calls

    I offer one live Coaching & Community Call on the 2nd Sunday of each month. It’s structured so that the first hour is the guided breathwork and mental health check-in where everyone shares how they’re doing (if they choose), and I hold space and validate what you’re going through.

    After taking a 10-minute break in between the hours, the second hour is spent reflecting on: 1) how your self-care is going, 2) what obstacles are in the way, and 3) what boundaries you might need to free up more space for you. After reflecting, people can share what came up for them if they want, and then I do 30 minutes of live coaching for whoever asks for that kind of direct support.

    If you can’t make every call, please don’t worry! Most members don’t make all the calls (and some don’t attend any), and they still get a lot out of the program! I will email you the reflection prompts every month so if you can’t attend live, you can reflect on your own time, post your questions in the community, and I will answer it via live video in our private online platform.

    Please note that you don’t have to be all-or-nothing to make the most of The No Longer Last Journey! It’s a do what works for you and honor your own pace type of program! :)

    Compassionate Accountability and Encouragement

    Every week, I post in the private online community to remind you to:

    • Register for upcoming Coaching & Community Calls

    • Set your self-care and boundary-setting intentions for the week

    • Advocate for your wants and needs and reframe self-care as an act of love that benefits every area of your life


    • The private online community is a space for members to connect with each other, share the highs and lows of your journey, and ask questions outside of the live Coaching & Community Calls.

  • The No Longer Last Journey includes 12 live Coaching & Community Calls via Zoom that you must use within 13 months of your purchase date. I take time off in December, so there is no live call in December.

  • The private online community is a space for members to connect with each other, share the highs and lows of your journey, and ask questions outside of the live Coaching & Community Calls.

    Here’s what you can expect from me:

    Compassionate Accountability:

    Every week, I post in the private community to remind you to:

    • Register for upcoming Coaching & Community calls

    • Set your self-care and boundary-setting intentions for the week

    • Advocate for your wants and needs and reframe self-care as an act of love that benefits every area of your life

  • My coaching, classes, and reflection guides are trauma-informed, meaning that they are designed to help you look deeper so that you can understand why you struggle to love and care for yourself.

    I am not a trauma-therapist, and I do not claim to heal you of your trauma.

    A lot of my clients have said that my classes and coaching help them realize that they experienced trauma, and they then seek out professional help from a trauma therapist.

    I love productivity tips and life hacks, but I know that those alone will not help you love and care for yourself when the real reasons why you struggle are due to how you were / are treated by the people around you.

    Our traumatic experiences mold our minds and dictate what we feel we deserve, and unless we make that connection, we aren’t able to allow ourselves to be treated with the love and care we deserve.

    My work with you is to help you become more aware of what has / is happening to you and to help you make those connections.

    I am also oppression-aware, meaning that I understand that racism, misogyny, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and systemic issues are big obstacles in our journey of healing, self-love, and self-care.

    I don’t believe that everything that’s hard in your life is your “personal responsibility” or “personal choice” because I know that nobody chooses or is responsible for other people’s bigotry, racism, homophobia, discrimination, gender discrimination, poor healthcare, etc.

    My approach to coaching is to start with reality because the fact is that women are already trying hard enough. We’re doing too much. And I believe a lot of this work we’ll do together is about letting go of what we were taught we should do, and instead strive to advocate for ourselves in spite of the obstacles that are present in our lives.

  • Purchase of The No Longer Last Journey Coaching Program will only be refunded for up to 30 days after purchase. I cannot refund your purchase if you ask 30 days or more from the purchase date. Thank you for understanding!

    Click here to read the Terms of Use of the program.

    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me here. I’m happy to clarify anything for you!

♡ client love

I have learned a lot about myself. Being a part of No Longer Last has given me a sense of belonging and empowerment.

Being a part of No Longer Last was the gift I needed to give myself! I was hesitant at first to join as I was in the middle of a cross-country move but having this support during such a chaotic time in my life has been so helpful. Mia doesn’t shy away from talking about the hard work real self-care can be, and she is always there with gentle encouragement.

— Trinity P.

Martyr Mom ≠ Better Mom

When you go on your own No Longer Last Journey, you are breaking generational cycles of misogyny and sexism that taught us that moms should always come last.

When you practice self-care and self-love, you model to your kids that it’s good and safe for mothers to express their wants and needs and to honor them.

This is not selfish. This is healing work that has a positive ripple effect on every area of your life and on the lives of those you come in contact with.

♡ client love

I'm forever grateful for the space that Mia has cultivated with The No Longer Last Journey, and I recommend that everyone who is struggling with self-care to join. Before joining No Longer Last I was a new working mom that was having an extremely hard time putting my needs first. Mia is a deeply empathetic person who genuinely wants to see her group members thrive, not just survive. During the monthly group sessions, Mia asks great questions for us to reflect on what we want to see for ourselves in self-care for the following month.

— Trish R.

Join The No Longer Last Journey!

  • 30-day money back guarantee

  • Get lifetime access to all classes and reflection guides

  • Save $150 when you pay in full

Choose your payment plan, make an account, and join!

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For 12 months